Humanism- One, it was a philosophy that meant that wealth and social position were no longer enough to make a person serious. They must besides, and more importantly, demonstrate an appreciation, and a discernment, for quality in art, and architecture, and later, literature. Guidance by tenets of artwork replaced the guidance of the church. Second, it attempted to reframe the guileless question of where man belongs in the world. Humanists, as is not expunge by the name, placed emphasis on human cleverness and rationality. It is the responsibility of humans to seek out the truth, rather than manufacture it revealed to them from mystical sources. Renaissance humanists believed that the liberal arts (music, art, grammar, rhetoric, oratory, history, poetry, using unspoiled texts, and the studies of all of the above) should be practiced by all levels of society. They to a fault approved of self, human worth and individual dignity. Conversos- Jews that had converted to Chri stianity. They atomic number 18 the victims of Spanish Inquisition. There was widespread suspicion of the Jews, who by that mount had managed to gain powerful positions in Spain in finance, government, etc. Christians were esurient of these positions and also suspicious that Jews (and others) were secretly practicing their own religions.

British east Indies Company- was an early English joint-stock company formed for switch with the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The companys main trade was in cotton, silk, indigo dye, saltpeter, teatime leaf and opium. It was granted an English Royal Charter by Elizabeth I on 31 Decembe r 1600, with the intention of favoring trade! privileges in India. The Company transformed from a commercial traffic approximate to one that virtually ruled India and other Asiatic colonies as it acquired auxiliary governmental and military functions, until by the government activity of India consummation 1858 the British Crown assumed direct rule. Desiderius Erasmus- a Dutchman print a work called The Praise of Folly, a...If you want to prevail a full essay, order it on our website:
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